Java is a general-purpose and high-level programming language. Java was first designed to set-up boxes and handheld devices and later repurposed to create World Wide Web applications and mobile applications. Java is very simple and easy to Learn, it is easy to use and write, easy to compile, debug, and learn than other programming languages. The object-oriented feature of Java allows you to create modular programs and reusable code.
The compiled code of the program writen in a Java application, runs on most operating systems (OS), including Windows, Linux and Mac OS. Java derives much of its syntax from the C and C++ programming languages. Java is an object oriented language which gives a clear structure to programs and also allows the code to be reused, lowering cost of development. Java is similar to C++ and C#, which makes it easy for programmers to switch to Java or vice versa.
Java Online Training Course Content
- Introduction to java platform, javac, java, data types, source file, comments, setup.
Flow Control
- Conditional constructs
- Different types of if condition
- Looping constructs
- While
- Do-while
- For
- For-Each
- break, continue
- Switch statement
Object Oriented Programming
- Introduction to Object Oriented Programming
- Introduction to Classes and Objects
- Instance & Static variables
- Constructor
- Methods
- Instance & Static methods
- Static & Instance blocks
- Package creation
- Importing packages
- Importing Class
- Extending classes
- Constructor calling chain
- The “super” keyword
- Method overriding
- Method hiding
- Final Class and Method
Abstract classes and Interfaces
- Abstract methods
- Abstract classes
- Interfaces
- Implementing interfaces
- Abstract class vs. Interfaces
Inner classes
- Non-static inner class
- Static inner class
- Local inner class
- Anonymous inner class
Exception Handling
- Introduction to exceptions
- Effects of exception
- Exception Handling framework
- Exception class Hierarchy
- Custom exception class
- Assertions
Memory Management
- Different types of memory used in Java
- Garbage Collection
- Memory Leaks
Collections Framework
- Introduction to collections
- Core Collection Interfaces
- List interface and its implementations
- Set interface and its implementations
- Queue interface and its implementations
- Map interface and its implementations
Java I/O Stream
- I/O Streams Introduction
- Types of Streams
- Stream class Hierarchy
- Buffered Streams
- Working File Streams
- Introduction to serialization
- Serialization process
- Deserialization process
- Introduction to threads
- Thread states and priorities
- Thread class
- Runnable interface
- Thread Group
- Synchronization
- Inter thread communication
Generics, Enums, AutoBoxing
Internationalization., Locale, Formatting text and dates
- Introduction to logging
- Loggers
- Handlers
- Formatters
- Configuration
- Understanding the design of JBDC API
- Obtaining JDBC Drivers
- Establish connection with DB Servers
- Execute SQL Queries using Statement and Prepared Statement
- Fetch the data
- Reading the records using result set object
J2ee- Java Enterprise Edition(JEE) Course Content
Enterprise applications provide the business logic for an enterprise. They are centrally managed and often interact with other enterprise software.
The aim of the Java EE platform is to provide developers with a powerful set of APIs while shortening development time, reducing application complexity, and improving application performance. Using Java EE we can develop web, distributed multitier applications.
Web application development
- Introduction to web application development
- Purpose of web application development
- Various elements of web applications
- Setting up Tomcat web server and Eclipse WTP
- Developing dynamic web applications using Servlet’s
- Overview of Servlet2.5 & 3 API’s
- Handling a client’s request using Servlet
- Configuring servlet’s using xml and annotations
- Web Container
- Servlet Life Cycle
- Http Protocol
- Http Request Format
- Http Response Format
- Coordinating servlets
- Scope objects(Sharing data)
Servlet Filters
- Filter basics
- Creating a filter
- Understanding the applications of filters
Servlet Listeners
- Listener’s basics
- Creating a listener & registering
- Understanding the applications of listeners
Session Tracking
JSP (JavaServerPages)
- JSP Elements
- Directives
- Declarations
- Scriptlets
- Expressions
- JSP Actions
- Comments
- Implicit objects
- Expression Language (EL)
- JSTL(JSP Standard Tag Libraray)
- Core Tags
- Formatting tags
- SQL tags
- XML tags
- JSTL Function
- Creating Custom JSP Tag Libraries: The Basic
- Java-based tags
- Components of a tag library
- Basic tags
- Tags that use body content
- Tags that optionally use body content
- JSP-based tags (tag files)
- Components of a tag library
- Basic tags
- Tags that use attributes
- Tags that use body content
XML Processing API's
- XML syntax and namespaces
- Describing XML with schema
- Java APIs for XML Parsing and Transformation
- JAXP, SAX, and DOM
Java API for XML Binding(JAXB)
- The need for Data Binding
- Mapping schema types for Java
- Java-to-xml mapping using annotation’s
- Marshalling and Unmarshalling with JAXB
- Working with JAXB Object models
Java Persistence API (JPA)
- Entity class and O/R mappings
- Persistent fields and properties
- Entity relationship mappings
- One-One
- One-Many
- Many-One
- Many-Many
- Inheritance mappings
- Annotations and XML descriptors for defining mappings
- Entity Operations
- The EntityManager interface
- Entity instance life cycle
- Entity listeners and call-back methods
- Java Persistence Query Language (JPQL)
Understanding Other Data binding Frameworks in Java
Java Hibernate Framework Course Content
Object Persistence
- Object/Relational Paradigms
- O/R Mismatch
- Object Relational Mapping (ORM)
- Java ORM/Persistent Frameworks
Hibernate Architecture
- Hibernate Architecture and API
- Hibernate Installation/Setup
- Configuration
- Configuration Properties
- Mapping Files
Persistent Classes
- JavaBeans
- Basic Mapping
- Class to Table Mappings
- Property Mapping
- Identifiers
- Generators
- Natural Keys
- Identifier Exposure
- Quoting SQL Tables and Columns
Working with Persistent Objects
- Entity Lifecycle
- Transient State
- Persistent State
- Persistent Object Updates and Automatic Dirty Checking
- Deattached State
- Deleted
- Object Identifiers Revisited
- Merge
- Domain Model
- Entities and Values
- Components
- Many-to-one
- Bidirectional Many-to-one
- Other Collections
- Other Associations
- One-to-one
- Bidirectional One-to-one
- Many-to-many
- Bidirectional Many-to-many
Value Type Collections
- Collections of Value Types
- Collections of Components
- Sorting Collections
- Inheritance Mapping Strategies
- Table per concrete class
- Table per subclass
- Table per hierarchy
- Inheritance Mapping Pros/Cons
- Polymorphism
- Table per concrete class with unions
- Choosing an Inheritance Strategy
Transitive Persistence
- Lazy Loading
- Proxies
- Eager Loading
- What’s a Proxy?
- Detached Objects and Proxies
- Polymorphic Associations Revisited
- Hibernate Object Fetching Options
- Hibernate Query
- HQL Parameters
- Named Queries
- Native SQL
- Restrictions
- Query By Example
- Scrolling
- Query Hints
- Query Option Pros/Cons
Transactions and Concurrency
- The Java Transaction
- Hibernate Transaction Configuration
- Hibernate Transaction API
- Concurrency
- Isolation Levels
- Optimistic Locking
- Versioning
- Pessimistic Locking
- Hibernate Caching Architecture
- First Level Cache
- Second Level Cache
- Cache Concurrency
- Configuring Second Level Cache
Java Spring Framework Course Content
Overview of Spring3 modules
- The Core IOC Module
- AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming)
- Spring JDBC
- Spring ORM(Object Relational Mapping)
- Spring JEE (Java Enterprise Edition)
- Spring MVC
- Spring Security
Dependency Injection /Inversion of control
IOC Containers
- Instantiating a container
- Application Context
- Using the container
- Creating beans
- Injecting dependencies
- Auto wiring
- Bean scope
- Bean life cycle
- Property Editors
- Event Handling
Spring 3 Expression Language(SpEL)
- The Spring Expression Language (SpEL for short) is a powerful expression language that supports querying and manipulating an object graph at runtime
Annotation Driven Configuration in Depth
- Stereotypes: @Component, @Service, @Controller, @Repository
- Java EE 5 Annotation Support
- Defining Custom Annotations
- Autowiring
- @Autowired on setters, constructures, methods, fields
- Injecting resources like ApplicationContext
- Fine tuning with @Qualifier
- Java Based Bean Metadata (JavaConfig)
- Overview - code-centric Configuration
- @Confguration, @Bean, and @Value
- Importing and @Import
- Autowiring in Configuration Classes
- Mixing XML Configuraiton and @Configuration
- AOP Concepts
- Advices and its types
- Auto proxying
- AOP Proxies
- AspectJ Style of Programming
- @Aspect
- @Before
- @After
- @AfterReturning
- @Around
- @AfterThrowing
- Working with point cut expression’s
Spring Web MVC Annotation driven
- Introduction to Spring MVC Flow
- DispatcherServlet
- Handlers, HandlerMappings,View Resolvers
- Writing Controllers, @Controller, @RequestMapping, @RequestParam, @PathVariable
- The HTTP Request/Response - @RequestBody and @ResponseBody
- Binding and Validation, @ModelAttribute
- Session Attributes, @SessionAttributes
Spring JDBC
- Spring Jdbc Template
- Row Mappers
- Exception Handling
- Transaction Management
Object Relational Mapping Intergration
- Spring-Hibernate integration
- Spring-JPA integration
Spring Transaction (TX) Management
- Intro to Spring Transaction Management
- Overview, Component TX Model, TX Propagation, Declarative Transactions, Transaction Managers
- Using Spring Transactions
- Annotation Configured Transactions
- @Transactional and its settings
- XML Configured Transactions
- new elements, Configuring tx:advice, and tx:attributes
- Defining the TX advisor
Spring Security
- Overview - Capabilities, Architecture
- Introduction to Spring Security
- HTTP Security
- Method Security
- Annotation-Based Security
- Expression-Based Access Control
- Authentication Providers
- Custom User Service Details
- Authentication Using Custom DB Tables
Java Struts 2 Framework Course Content
Struts 2 - Overview
- The Big picture - Why and What of Struts 2
- Architecture - Identifying the key components
- MVC and Struts 2
- Workflow: Request-Response lifecycle
- Anatomy of a Struts 2 application
- Installation and configuration
- Configuring Struts 2 with Spring
- Configuring eclipse for Struts 2 development
Application Development with Struts 2
- Key concepts
- The Action objects
- Configuration
- Dependency Injection
- Debugging
- The Action interface
- The ModelDriven interface
- The ActionSupport class
- Implementing Actions
- Chaining Actions
- Configuring Actions
- The Result interface
- Chain Result
- Dispatcher Result
- HttpHeader Result
- Redirect Result
- Redirect Action Result
Introduction to Ajax
- The problem with traditional web applications
- Contacting the server without page refreshing
- The XmlHttpRequest object
Presentation with Struts Tags
- Generic Tags
- UI Tags
- Themes and Templates
- Ajax Tags
- Tabular inputs
- HTML form buttons
- Using Checkboxes
- Iterator tag
- Formatting dates and numbers
- Skinning
- Multiple Submit Buttons
- Tabular inputs with HashMap
- Introduction to AOP
- The Interceptor interface
- Implementing aspects using interceptors
- Configuring interceptors in struts.xml
- Interceptor Order
- File Upload Interceptor
- ExecuteAndWait Interceptor
Test-driven Development
- JUnit
- Writing unit tests
- Test Actions
- Basic Validation
- Client Validation
- AJAX Validation
- Using Field Validators
- Using Non Field Validators
- Using Visitor Field Validator
Type Conversion
- Built in Type Conversion Support
- Implementing a custom Type Converter
- Null Property Handling
- Type Conversion Error Handling
REST Full Web Services (JAX-RS with Jersey Implementation)
- Understand the advantages of the REST architecture for web services
- Developing REST Full Web services using JAX-RS
- Manage XML content using XML Schema and JAXB
- Understanding Resources
- Using Http Methods to represent CRUD operations
- Dispatching Request to Methods
- The Application Path
- The @Path Annotation
- The HTTP Method Annotations
- Sub-Resource Locators
- Annotation Inheritance and overriding
- Parameters
- Different Types of Parameters
- Response Types
- @Produces
- Working with different response types
- Java Objects
- HTML/Text
- Binary Content
- Understanding RESTFull Web services support in Spring Framework with a sample application
SOAP Based Web Services(Axis2 & JAX-WS)
Defining SOAP Messages with WSDL
- Structure of SOAP messages
- SOAP over HTTP
- SOAP Envelope
- The message header
- The message body
- Soap faults
- Attachments
Role of SOAP in Web services Anatomy of a WSDL document
- WSDL Basics
- WSDL Bindings
Overview of Web Services and Apache Axis2
- Apache Axis2
- Axis2 Features
- Axis2 Architecture and Processing Model
Simple Web Services
- Deploy the Service
- Run the Client
- SOAP Overview
- The SOAP Document
- WSDL Overview
- WSDL Content
- Abstract WSDL Elements
- Concrete WSDL Elements
- SOAP Monitor
Apache Axis2 Web Service Clients
- Steps to Create a Client
- Obtain the WSDL File
- Generated Code
- Client Code Overview
- Import the Generated Classes
- Instantiate the Stub
- Set the Request Parameters
- Call the Service Method and Get the Results
- Compile and Run the Client Code
Apache Axis2 Web Service End-points
- Creating Server Code
- Steps to Create a POJO Service
- Building a POJO
- The Server Descriptor
- The service Element
- MEPs and Message Receivers
- More services.xml Configurations
- AAR Files
- Generating WSDL from Java Code
- Steps to Create a WSDL Based Service
- Generate Server Artifacts from WSDL
- Steps to Edit the Skeleton
- Import the Generated Classes
- Get the Parameters
- Write the Business Code
- Instantiate a Response
- Build and Deploy
Exposing Plain Old Java Objects (POJOs) as Web Services Implementing code-first Web services
- Choosing between WSDL-first and code-first Web services
- Generating portable artifacts using JAX-WS
- Preserving maintainability with proxies and adapters
Improving generated WSDL
- Annotating Java services
- Deploying end points
Implementing Web Service Clients in Java Generating client code from WSDL
- Accessing Web services through their WSDL
- Creating client source files from WSDL
- Customizing generated source files with JAX-WS
Java JSF 2.0 Course Content
JSF Overview
- Model View Controller
- JSF elements - web.xml and faces-config.xml
- The power of Facelets
- tile-like composition
- debugging/error handling
- custom logic tags and expressions
- JSF 2.0 - quick summary of features
- Annotations - a review
GUI Components 1
- Component Families
- UIViewRoot and the FacesContext
- The JSF lifecycle
- Facelets
- Output components - text and labels
- Forms
- Formatting output
- Inputting text and passwords
- Messages and severity
Navigation in JSF applications
- Navigation rules and cases via annotations
- Static vs. dynamic actions
- Declaring navigation in faces-config.xml
- JSF Expression Language
- Comparison to JSP EL
- Basic syntax
- Array, Map and List access in JSF EL
- JSF EL Operators
- JSF EL Implicit Objects
- Backing Beans
- The uses of backing beans
- Declaring managed beans and properties via annotations
- Managed beans and properties in faces-config.xml
- Lists and Maps properties in Managed Beans
- Using the FacesContext
- Action methods in backing beans
- Connecting to back-end services
- business logic
- persistence
Conversion and Validation
- Conversion and Validation in the JSF Lifecycle
- Implicit and explicit conversion
- Date/Time conversion
- Number conversion
- Standard input validators
- Implementing validation in backing beans
- Displaying conversion/validation error messages
- Custom converters and validators
- Client-side validation
JSF Events
- The phases of JSF
- Restore View
- Apply Request Values
- Process Validations
- Update Model Values
- Invoke Application
- Render Response
- GET vs. POST
- creating the view tree
- rendering the existing view tree
- Page actions (JSF 2.0)
- Action Events
- Action methods and Action Listeners
- Methods of ActionEvent and UIComponent
- Value Change Events
- Methods of ValueChangeEvent
- Phase Events
- Registering a Phase Listener
- Specifying which requests are handled by the Phase Listener
- Data Model Events
GUI Components 2
- Selecting items from lists
- Checkboxes and radio buttons
- Command Buttons and Command links
- Panel Group and Panel Grid
- Data Tables
- display-only data tables
- "interactive" data tables
- Using the component in a JSP
Page composition using Facelets
- Templating
- creating a Facelets template
- creating a Facelets client page
- creating a Facelets content page
- Passing parameters to pages
- Facelets and JSTL
- Facelets composition components
- defining a composition component
- using a composition component
- tips and tricks
- Using other tag libraries
- taglibs supporting Facelets